What exactly is environmental health, and what makes it crucial?

Explore environmental health's importance in linking our well-being to the planet's condition, advocating for cleaner, healthier surroundings
Brain Ghord

Environmental health: what is it?
brainghord, What exactly is environmental health, and what makes it crucial?
Environmental  Health

Five categories of safety and health in the environment

What makes environmental health crucial?

What impact does the environment have on our health?

How can you assist me?

Humans and the environment are inextricably linked. Our manmade and natural surroundings serve as more than simply a location for our habitation. The situation of the planet has an impact on our emotional and physical well-being.

Environmental health is the critical interaction that exists between ourselves and our environments.

The condition of the earth affects our mental and physical health in the same way that the food we consume does. Environmental health examines several environmental factors that affect human health, such as pollution, the availability of clean drinking water, and infrastructural problems.

Let's examine these and other instances of environmental health and what you can do to support them.

Environmental health: what is it?

The concept of environmental health is really straightforward. One area of public health that focuses on how people interact with the environment is environmental health.

A stable temperature, clean water, fresh air, and shelter are only a few necessities for human health that are closely related to the environment.

Understanding the link between the health of the environment and our own is urged by environmental public health.

We can guarantee the preservation of both our bodily and emotional well-being by taking care of the environment.

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Five categories of safety and health in the environment
Numerous environmental health problems may have a detrimental impact on humans.

Encouraging human life and creating better surroundings need addressing the following five important health issues.

Sanitation and water
Radiation and chemicals
air contamination
constructed environments
Changes in climate

1. Sanitation and water

Approximately 784 million people do not currently have access to safe drinking water. People will take extreme measures to secure a water supply, which may have a detrimental impact on the ecosystem and pose a serious health risk to humans.

2. Radiation and chemicals

We are surrounded by radiation, pollution, and toxic gases. However, they can seriously harm both human and environmental health.

For example, farmworkers and their families are exposed to ailments like asthma and other types of cancer due to pesticide use. According to a review of more than 40 years' worth of epidemiologic research, there is a 20% increased risk of brain cancer if agricultural pesticide exposure is sustained.

3. Air contamination

Exposure to toxic gases in the environment is detrimental to both plant and animal life as well as human respiratory systems. Among the main causes of air pollution are:

factories and power plants
using fossil fuels
industrial refuse
Wildfires and volcanic eruptions are examples of natural catastrophes
The number of automobiles on the planet and industrial industries are only two factors causing the quality of the air to deteriorate. The industrial combustion of fossil fuels provides around 85% of the energy used in the US and accounts for 50% of the country's pollution.

4. Constructed surroundings

A major component of human health and safety is shelter. However, the ecosystem may suffer from an excess of constructed development.

Unnecessary waste is produced in an environment that is poorly constructed. In addition, it uses a lot of energy and water.

brainghord, What exactly is environmental health, and what makes it crucial?
Environmental Health

5. Changes in climate

Climate change is seen to be the greatest concern facing mankind in the twenty-first century since it dangerously alters the natural environment in many ways. This also applies to natural calamities.

The danger posed by climate change is only becoming worse. Climate change and increasingly severe weather have caused a five-fold rise in catastrophes over the last 50 years, according to the WMO.

poster on climate change, environmental health, and

What makes environmental health crucial?

Human safety and mental well-being are inextricably linked to healthy surroundings. Here are four justifications for why we must observe and maintain Earth.

1. Lowers chance of illness

We have seen the serious devastation that infections and dangerous germs, like the coronavirus pandemic, may inflict throughout the last two years. Raising knowledge of environmental health may lower the burden of illness and stop disease outbreaks.

2. Prolongs and improves life quality

The duration and quality of human life improve when all conditions are met, including access to secure food and shelter.

One research looked at how 24 African nations' life expectancies were affected by environmental quality. It was discovered that Africans' life expectancy improved by 0.137 and 0.1417 years, respectively, with increases in the environmental performance index (EPI) and ecosystem vitality (EV).


3. Promotes habitat preservation and biodiversity

The US government declared the extinction of almost 20 species in 2021 alone. For the health of our ecosystems and animal kingdoms, biodiversity is essential. By increasing knowledge of environmental health issues, we can better safeguard the nearby animals and vegetation.

4. Reduces global warming

We are unable to stop the slow rise in global temperatures. However, there are certain steps we may take to slow it down and identify remedies.

Nearly all of the rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years has been caused by human activity. Over one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the contemporary period may be directly attributed to only twenty fossil fuel firms.

Organisations may significantly enhance environmental health and lessen their influence on global warming by cutting down on industrial emissions and waste.

What impact does the environment have on our health?

We must attend to the demands of the environment as much as our own if we are to endure and prosper as a species.

These are just a few ways that risks to human health from the environment might affect people's health.

1. Conditions of the respiratory system

Toxins and contaminants in the air may enter our lungs and seriously harm our respiratory systems. Preventing these types of illnesses will require maintaining a high standard of air quality.

And whether or not the impacts are felt globally. Low-income and communities of colour neighbourhoods in US cities had an average of 28% more nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution than higher-income and mostly white neighbourhoods.

2. A higher chance of infections caused by water

Poor sanitation and water quality may spread cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A, and polio.

An estimated 485,000 fatalities from diarrhoea are attributed to contaminated drinking water annually.

The majority of people who are susceptible to infectious illnesses, particularly aquatic infections, reside in low-income areas.

3. The risk posed by natural catastrophes

Natural disasters may occur in even the cleanest environments. Environmental health protocols, however, may greatly lessen their influence.

hand gripping dry clay in a drought-affected area

4. Insufficient nourishment

A dearth of wholesome, reasonably priced food outlets in the area might sometimes be mistaken for malnutrition. We refer to this as a "food desert."

The efficient functioning of our body systems is contingent upon the availability of nutrient-dense food. Every person has the right to live in a setting that promotes rather than harms their health.

How can you assist me?

Fortunately, a lot of firms are making efforts to reduce their emissions of air pollution. Major corporations are starting to switch from using fossil fuels to sustainable energy produced by solar and wind power.

Technologies that eliminate air pollution at its source before it reaches the earth's atmosphere are being used by certain industries. Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs), for instance, allow manufacturers to recycle industrial waste heat for the destruction of contaminants.

By stepping up its recycling efforts, the automotive sector is contributing as well. Automakers across the globe are investing in facilities to recycle millions of electric batteries for use in future vehicles and recover outdated components.

An initiative by Jaguar Land Rover aims to recycle aluminium from abandoned cars, potentially reducing production-related CO2 emissions by 26%.

Each of us may contribute to enhancing the health of our environment by taking concrete actions. These are but a few of the ways you may assist.

1. Lessen your environmental impact

By using modes of transportation other than an automobile or an aeroplane, you may significantly lower the quantity of carbon dioxide you release into the environment. If at all feasible, walk or ride your bike to work to lessen your carbon impact.

2. Recycle, refuse, and reduce

Because of the industrial enterprises that spew toxic CO2 into the atmosphere, the planet is heavily populated. Reuse what you already have and recycle as much as you can to help the environment.

vegetable gardening, environmental health, and planting

3. Plant fruits and vegetables in your garden

Gaining knowledge about food gardening will teach you important life lessons. It is also a fantastic way to practise self-care and therapy.

Advocating for both your environment and your health at the same time is possible with this burgeoning wellness movement.

4. Pay attention to the goods you utilise.

A large number of the goods we consume are produced in factories that abuse both the environment and people. You have the option to combat this by making more deliberate decisions regarding your merchandise.

Make an effort to protect the environment for your own health.
All living things can only have a secure and prosperous future if they can maintain a good interaction with their surroundings.

Even if we sometimes may think that our efforts are insignificant, every little behavioural adjustment we make in the name of environmental justice advances humankind as a whole.

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